Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If you're still reading my ramblings...

You'll note that I somewhat fudged the truth when I said I was going to be posting more frequently. Sure, I started out with good intentions, but we all know where that leads. So I'm not going to promise that again. However, I do have a couple of interviews and book reviews lined up for this month so my posting more frequently is a possibility.

What have I been doing? Oh my, where to start? Well, first things first. After some tough love from my editor, I've decided to postpone the short story collection until sometime next year. Some of the stories I planned to include are stories I wrote quite some time ago and are not as well written as I would like. I want the entire collection to be of high quality, so some of those stories are going to need a revision (or three). As a good friend of mine says, "readers can tell when you're phoning it in." And I don't want to let anyone down. So it's back to the desktop for more work.

However, Fading Light: An Anthology of the Monstrous was released and widely praised. If you haven't gotten a copy, you can do so here. It's an absolutely stunning anthology. I'm so proud to be a part of it. And, in a surreal turn of events, my story, "Born of Darkness," has gotten some high praise from reviewers. Another reason I don't want to disappoint anyone with a so-so collection.

Next up, Satan's Toybox: Terrifying Teddies, is slated to be published the end of this week. I'm extremely excited for it to come out. I think, personally, that it's the very best of the Satan's Toybox anthologies. It's got some of my favorite stories in it. You won't want to miss Lisamarie Lamb's chilling tale "The Woods Today." You'll never sing the Teddy Bear Picnic song again after reading it. Another fine scare is "Benji" by Adam Millard. How do you get rid of a Teddy Bear who doesn't want to leave? My story, "Dead Nicky," is my favorite story of any I've written. All of the stories are interesting and will definitely change your view of those fluffy stuffed toys.

Also out this month will be Tool Shed, an eerie novella from Armand Rosamilia. While Armand is best know for his zombie fiction, this little novella will show the reading public that he's much more than a zombie writer. His story combines an ancient demon, teenagers, an unlikely band of demon hunters, and dead cows. Intrigued? Look for it the end of this month.

Also at the end of this month, I'll be a panelist at Coyote Con. Coyote Con is a FREE online conference for writers, published and unpublished alike. It has all the benefits of a regular conference: networking, editor pitches, and panels; without the negative cost or travel issues. I strongly urge every author to take advantage of this awesome con. I attended the first year, 2010, and the amount of info and energy that I gained was enormous. It really spurred me to start taking this whole writing thing more seriously and well, look where I am today. There will be many genres represented in panels: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, erotica & romance, to name a few. I will be sitting on three panels myself: The end of the world as we know it: Apocalyptic Fiction with Todd Brown and Suzi M; Things that go bump in the night with various authors; and Giving up the ghost: writing horror with Billie Sue Mosiman and C.W. LaSart. Don't miss this con! Again, it's FREE and you can attend in your jammies!

And that's all I have time for today. But stay tuned! There are lots more projects to talk about. Along with some interviews, reviews, and th e truth about KillerCon...


1 comment:

Cindy Keen Reynders said...

You are one busy lady. Go Stacey!